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Confirmation is the sacrament by which a person renews and confirms the promises made, on their behalf by their parents and godparents, when they were presented for Baptism.
Through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit they receive the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit that they can draw strength from as they bear witness to Christ in their lives through word and deed.

Confirmation is the sacrament which confirms and strengthens baptismal grace. It is conferred by the anointing with Sacred Chrism (oil mixed with balsam and consecrated by the bishop), which is done by the laying on of the hands of the Bishop, who pronounces the sacramental words proper to the rite. In Confirmation, a person declares their faith openly in the middle of the community and commits, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to live out that faith every day.
Those wishing to be confirmed (usually young people from the age of 12+) are prepared by our catechists. Confirmations will be held annually in our area shared between the parishes of Our Lady & St. John, Heswall; Holy Family, Pensby and St Winefride’s, Neston. For more information or if you would like your child to receive instruction please contact our Parish Priest.
There will be no Confirmation Preparation Programme this year in our Parish, due to numbers and the Bishop’s availability. We will however be offering the programme in 2026, with the Confirmation Mass in June 2026.
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