The Meeting Room at Our Lady & St. John
If you are interested in joining any of the groups/activities below or you would like to start a new group, please send us an email to or phone 077488 31317 for more details.
If you would like to hire out the meeting room for a meeting or social event, please either email or phone 077488 31317 for availability and prices.
Please observe the parking restrictions in Boundary Lane – ‘No parking between 8am – 6pm every day’. Even if you are permitted to park there, please do not park opposite our neighbours’ driveways.

Meeting Room Timetable
MONDAY 9:30 am Refreshments after Morning Mass
MONDAY 5:00 pm Rainbows – Term Time Only
TUESDAY 10:00 am Stitch Craft Group
THURSDAY 6:00 pm Sacramental Preparation class - Fortnightly from January to June
SUNDAY 11:15 am Children’s Liturgy (during Sunday Mass) – Term Time Only
SUNDAY 12:15 pm Refreshments after Sunday Mass