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The sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession, is a sacrament of healing.


​Following an examination of conscience and repentance for sins, confession is made to a priest who, through the power of the Holy Spirit, forgives us our sins and reconciles us to God. A penance is imposed, usually in the form of prayer.​


Confessions are available each week during the year.

Please see the Mass Times section on our Home page for details.


First Forgiveness


Children of the Parish, who have been Baptised, are prepared for their First Forgiveness either at school or by the catechists at Church, during the preparation for their First Holy Communion.​


If you have a child who is in Year 3 or above, he or she will be eligible to celebrate these important sacraments. Children in Year 3 at Ladymount Primary School will follow a programme of preparation there. For children who are in other schools and year groups, there is a parish programme of preparation. We use the 'I Belong' scheme.​​​​​


​The parish programme of preparation that takes place in the parish room at Our Lady and St John. The sessions are once a fortnight on Thursdays, 6 -7pm. The preparation programme begins in January, with the first session being the first Thursday after the start of the school term. At the end of January, there is an Enrolment Mass for both school and parish children. The First Forgiveness happens before Easter (in March or April depending on the Church calendar) and the First Holy Communion takes place in June.​


Click here to see this years dates: ​

If you would like more information or wish your child to take part in the parish programme, please contact Father Stephen on 342 6581 or email or 

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